Industry List

Industry List shows information about all industries (suppliers and consumers of goods) in the current game.

To open the Industry List window: click on the industry list icon in the List Management window.
Tip: If items in list are only partially visible, then re-size the Industry List window or scroll the list using the slider bar.

Sorted by: has options to determine the order of the industries listd.
Click on the buttons to cycle through the options (changes name of the option button):

- Factory name orders alphabetically by name.
- Input orders by input storage capacity.
- Output orders by output storage capacity.
- Production orders by production capacity.
- Status orders by status colour bar (see below).
- Power orders by electricity supplied.
- Sector orders by economic sectors.

- ascending / descending reverses the order of the list.

Click on an item listd in the Industry List window to see more information about that industry. Click on the grey arrow next to each individual industry listd to be taken to the location of that industry in the main game window.
Items listd for each industry include:

Status colour bar: colours indicate the status of the industry (also used in Industry Information):
- White: does not produce and consume.
- Green: at optimum status.
- Dark skyblue: at optimum status of marine resources.
- Cyan: some of the lines are operating normally.
- Dark blue: sufficient marine resources are remaining.
- Dark green: sufficient materials are waiting for transportation.
- Gray: not connected by goods transport.
- Dark brown: production is stopped due to excessive inventory.
- Dark yellow: can not operate because some materials are missing.
- Yellow: can not operate/open because there is no material or goods at all.
- Orange: since some items are overstocked, it stopped receiving the goods.
- Orange red: since all items are overstocked, it stopped receiving.
- Red: since all the storage is full, arrival and operation are stopped.

- Purple frame: the production rate is declining due to the staff shortage.

A Red lightning flash is shown if the industry has an electricity supply.

Factory name: the name of the industry.

The three numbers in brackets represent:
Current input: the amount of goods stored ready to be processed.
Current output: the amount of goods that are ready for transportation.
Total production: the production rate of the factory.
A dash ("-") is shown instead of a zero in each case.